Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Someone used my photographs without my permission

August 28, 2012

I wrote this on my FB wall today….

It seems people nowadays don’t care about giving credits to other people’s work. I didn’t imagine this would happen to me. But it did and i feel so bad. Ganito pala yung feeling. You just can’t get over it. di mo pwede palagpasin…

Someone stole my photos from my old blog site and used them for her own, passing them off as photos taken from her son’s recent birthday party.

Here are the links & screen shots I took…

This is the link to the Ethan Gabriel D fb account. The first ten photos were mine, my watermarks are still intact. I don’t own the last four photos


this is the link for the Ethan Gabriel D fb account where they used my photo as cover photo.


this is the FB account of Ethan Gabriel D.’s mother.


And this is the link to this blogsite  entry where the photos were taken… . these were shot august 14, 2010, (two years ago)

I am just sad at how some people don’t have any respect for other people’s property. This is a violation of Intellectual Property rights. Those photographs are copyrighted.

I sent a private message to the fb account’s owner and to the mother of Ethan Gabriel D, demanding that they remove/delete my photos from the fb account album. But it seems my messages have fallen on deaf ears.